We know you're eager to learn and always on-the-go.
We’ve built our publications with your needs and lifestyle in mind: our publications are accessible on most devices and our dedicated Web Support Team is available around-theclock to take your most pressing questions.
- I want to contact Web Support.
- I want to go to GRLContent.
- I want to go to my Classroom Engagement Tool.

Purchasing your publication
Where and how do I purchase access to my online publication?
Find your publication in the catalog. Once you click on the "purchase" option you will be directed to www.grlcontent.com in order to purchase access to your publication. If your purchase includes a print book, you will be prompted to "add to cart" upon selection of your publication. Upon purchase the print book would be shipped to you.
If I purchase an access code at the bookstore, how do I use it to register to my course?
Go to GRLContent and enter your access code into the "First Time User with Access Code" field on the right hand side of the screen.
I already have an account with GRL Content, how do I add a new publication to my account?
Log into GRLContent with your existing account and click on the ‘Enroll in Another Online Publication’ link. You will then be able to purchase access to your new publication.
I am getting an error when I try to register my access code. What should I do?
Fill out the web support form. Describe what you were doing when you received the error and provide a screenshot or copy and paste the error into the form.

Accessing GRLContent
What are the browser requirements to view my online publication(s)?
GRLContent supports current or preceding versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge. JavaScript must be enabled in your browser. Some online publications may require additional free browser plug-ins such as Adobe Acrobat.
I forgot my password to my publication, what do I do?
Go to www.grlcontent.com and click on the ‘Forgot Password’ link beneath the password prompt box. Your password will be reset and sent to the email account associated with your username/email address.
What is my username on GRLContent?
Your username is the e-mail address you used when creating your account.
My publication has several sections on GRLContent. How should I know which section is mine?
The section number will match the section number of the course you are registered to with your school. If you are unsure of your section number, please ask your instructor.
I'm in the wrong section. How do I move to the correct one?
Fill out the web support form and let Web Support know which section you should be in.

My Progress
If I miss an exam can it be reopened so I can take it?
You must contact your instructor about receiving a retake on any closed assignments. They can contact Web Support directly to let us know if a retake should be granted.
Where will grades be posted?
You can access your grades via the 'Gradebook' page within the online publication. If you cannot find a gradebook, please ask your instructor where your grades will be posted.
What if I want to dispute my grade?
Any questions concerning grades should be addressed with your instructor. We cannot update grades without a direct request form an instructor.
If I have a problem, should I contact my instructor or Web Support?
If you have a question about the content of the course, contact your instructor. If there is an issue with the internet delivery of course material, please contact Web Support.