CPR and First Aid

Product Details
Author(s): Mark Richard Windschitl
ISBN: 9781680751680
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2016
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
CPR and First Aid


This is the skills manual that you will be working out of throughout the semester. The manual contains readings, videos, activities, and homework that will need to be completed as assigned on the syllabus.


The materials, for the skills you will be working with, will open the day of your skills session.  

Table of Contents

Module 1: Bloodborne Pathogens

Module 2: Primary Assessment

Module 3: Breathing Emergencies

Module 4: CPR

Module 5: Sudden Illnesses

Module 6: AED

Module 7: Secondary Assessment/Vital Signs

Module 8: Respiratory Management

Module 9: Oxygen

Module 10: Bleeding Control

Module 11: Splinting

Module 12: C-Collars & Backboarding