.Our hope is that you will find the topics in this book interesting, relevant in today’s society and helpful to you as you look at animal issues more inclusively. The topics covered in this book have an impact on activities most of us do every day and issues that set the standard for our interaction with animals.
This course deals with humans and their connection with animals; it is intended to help the student begin a life-long process of learning and benefiting from the positive aspects of animals on our lives. The social, scientific and psychological aspects of the human-animal bond are presented to help individuals learn to constructively interact with animals. This starts with a better understanding of human needs as related to companionship but in order for this all to work, animal owners need to understand physical care and health of animals along with proper attention to humane care.
As the knowledge base of the human-animal bond is strengthened, a main objective is to make sense of messages in the media that seem to confuse animal use issues. The student is encouraged to form opinions on animal care and use in a way that serves them well in various stages of their life. Proper companionship can be very helpful in a variety of ways including meeting the physiological, psychological and social needs of humans. As social and ethical issues are presented, the responsibilities of pet owners are also emphasized. The intent is to provide information with which students can utilize problem-solving techniques to deal with complex issues that they are likely to face in their lives in the future.
A love of teaching led Dr. Thomas to leave a thriving veterinary practice to join the faculty at Fresno State. As a professor in the earlier years, his primary roles involved teaching, clinical veterinary work at the university agricultural laboratory, advising pre-veterinary students and leading practical research projects. Being a strong advocate of hands-on experience, he took a leave from the department in the fall of 2001 to direct the Solutions Center. As director of the center he led a campus-wide program which coordinates programs for teams of students seeking to answer specific, real-world problems posed by industry. As an educator, Dr. Thomas has 35 years of experience teaching animal health, infectious diseases and other pre-veterinary courses. During his first 15+ years, he was the sole advisor for pre-veterinary students in the department and faculty advisor for the Pre-Veterinary Association. In 1999, Dr. Thomas prepared a proposal for a new Animal Science GE course, which was accepted by the General Education Committee and is now available to students of all majors.
Chapter 1: Overview of Human/Animal Interactions Chapter 2: Importance of Companion Animals Chapter 3: Pets as Therapists Chapter 4: Horses: Workers, Healers, Companions Chaper 5: Responsible Pet Care Chapter 6: Practical Use of Animals Chapter 7: Damage: When Animals Atttack Chapter 8: Animal Ethics/Activtist Groups/Medical Research Chapter 9: Zoonotic Diseases Chapter 10: Commercially Raised, Organic, Natural, Grass-Fed, Free Range, and Farm Raised