Communicating Protest: The Fight for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties in American Social Movements

Product Details
Author(s): Catherine L Langford
ISBN: 9781680751024
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2016
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Communicating Protest: The Fight for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties in American Social Movements



Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Social Movements in the United States

Chapter 2: Abolition Movement

Chapter 3: The Suffrage Movement

Chapter 4: The Labor Movement

Chapter 5: Civil Rights Movement

Chapter 6: The Free Speech Movement

Chapter 7: The Peace/Anti-War Movement

Chapter 8: The Women's Liberation Movement

Chapter 9: Pro-Life/Pro-Choice Movement

Chapter 10: Queer Rights

Chapter 11: The Human Rights Movement