Federal and State Government in America

Product Details
Author(s): Donald M Gooch
ISBN: 9781680750416
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2016
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Federal and State Government in America


Welcome to the main textbook for PSC 142: Introduction to American Government - Structure and Function in this course.  This is an online textbook.  The specific chapters you will need for the course are available to you through the drop down menu you can find by clicking on “Chapters.”  You can find the direct links to the images noted in the chapters in the corresponding footnotes at the end of each chapter. You will be using this book for the first six lessons of your course on American Government.   The lessons and corresponding chapters in this textbook are specifically identified in your syllabus posted on the course home page.  I hope you will find our journey through the institutions and political processes of American government an edifying experience.  Knowledge and understanding of how your government works facilitates fulfillment of civic duties and makes our democracy work!

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction to Federal Govenment

Chapter 2: Political Science and the Major Theories of American Politics

Chapter 3: Social Problems and the Logic of Collective Action

Chapter 4: The Federal Executive 

Chapter 5: The Federal Legislature

Chapter 6: The Federal Courts