Contemporary Moral Issues: Cases and Applications

Product Details
Author(s): Richard L Sneed
ISBN: 9781615495092
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2012
Available Formats
Format: Card w/Access Code for GRLContent


Overview of
Contemporary Moral Issues: Cases and Applications


About the Author
Richard L Sneed

Richard Sneed attended Texas A&M University, where he studied History and Applied Physics, and the University of Texas, where he studied Philosophy and Medieval English Literature; He earned graduate degrees in Theology and Divinity at Southern Methodist University, in Philosophy at Michigan State University, and in Philosophy at Florida State University, where he finished the PhD with a specialty in Early Medieval Philosophy. Sneed spent six years at the University of Central Oklahoma, where he taught Logic, Applied Ethics, Medieval Philosophy, and Humanities. Now he teaches at McLennan Community College in Waco, Texas. Richard has one wife, two kids, and two cats.