The field of nutrition has deep roots in biochemistry, biology, physiology, sociology, psychology, and several other disciplines. Nutrition is also the topic of many websites, news shows, blogs, commercials and conversations. Almost every day, a new media story on nutrition research makes news. Nutrition is a hot topic. As you study nutrition, you will soon realize that these news stories only scratch the surface of the science. Many students are very surprised to find that nutrition is a complex and difficult topic to learn at its deeper scientific level. But the rewards of studying nutrition and appreciating it at this deeper level are great. Nutrition plays a role in the major diseases the American public faces: heart disease, cancers, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome. If you are planning a medical and health career, studying nutrition is a crucial part of your training.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Nutrition
Chapter 2: The Science and Study of Nutrition
Chapter 3: Carbohydrates: From Sugar to Fiber and All That's in Between
Chapter 4: Fats or Lipids: From Plate to Waist
Chapter 5: More than just Meat and Muscle
Chapter 6: Energy Balance and Obesity
Chapter 7: Eating Disorders: Do Not Discriminate
Chapter 8: Vitamins: Facts and Fallacies
Chapter 9: Water and Electrolytes: Striking a Balance
Chapter 10: Minerals: Mining for Nutrients