Steak to Hoof: The Diversity of Animal Products

Product Details
Author(s): Michaella Fevold
ISBN: 9781684784219
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2024
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Steak to Hoof: The Diversity of Animal Products


Table of Contents

Section 1 How Humans Use Animals

Section 2 Humane Livestock Slaughter and Carcass Inspection and Grading

Section 3 Biological Tissues and Their Function

Section 4 Muscle Function

Section 5 Conversion of Muscle to Meat

Section 6 Fresh Meat Quality

Section 7 Further Meat Processing

Section 8 Preservation of Meat

Section 9 Meat Cookery and Meat in the Diet

Section 10 Dairy Products

Section 11 Poultry Products

Section 12 Animal co-Products and By-Products