Biology Concepts from the Human Perspective: Health Professions

Product Details
Author(s): Krista Osadchuk
ISBN: 9781684783649
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2023
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Biology Concepts from the Human Perspective: Health Professions


Table of Contents

Part 1 – Principles of Biology

Chapter 1: We Are Made of Star Stuff

Chapter 2: The Molecules of Life

Chapter 3: Cells-The Smallest Unit of Life

Chapter 4: Biochemistry and Bioenergetics

Chapter 5: How to Make a Protein

Chapter 6: Mutations and Gene Expression Control

Chapter 7: Building a Multicellular Organism


Part 2 – Keeping Cells Alive

Chapter 8: Digestion

Chapter 9: Circulation

Chapter 10: Respiration

Chapter 11: Filtration


Part 3 – Sensing the Environment and Responding

Chapter 12: Introduction to the Nervous System

Chapter 13: The Sensory Nervous System

Chapter 14: Muscles and Movement