Research Tools and Procedures: A Practical Guide for the Inquisitive

Product Details
Author(s): Alvin L Keyes
ISBN: 9781684782895
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2023
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Research Tools and Procedures: A Practical Guide for the Inquisitive


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Research

Chapter 3: The Questionnaire and Survey Method

Chapter 4: Writing the Title Page

Chapter 5: Writing a Thought Paper

Chapter 6: Gathering Background Information on Your Topic

Chapter 7: Writing the Literature Review

Chapter 8: Writing the Proposal

Chapter 9: The Method Section

Chapter 10: Compiling the Official Proposal for Study

Chapter 11: Conducting the Survey

Chapter 12: A Statistics Primer

Chapter 13: Investigation Analysis—Probability, The t-Test, Correlation, and ANOVA

Chapter 14: Results

Chapter 15: Graphing Data

Chapter 16: The Discussion Section

Chapter 17: Writing the Abstract

Chapter 18: Compiling the Final Paper