The Magic Eye of Sociology: Pulling Blurred Social Forces into Clear Focus

Product Details
Author(s): Kyle Anne Nelson, Kyle Nelson
ISBN: 9781684782932
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2023
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
The Magic Eye of Sociology: Pulling Blurred Social Forces into Clear Focus


Table of Contents

Part 1 Introduction

  • Chapter 1 The Magic Eye of Sociology
  • Chapter 2 Eye of the Beholder: Identity and the Sociological Imagination
  • Chapter 3 Culture, Socialization, and Social Control
  • Chapter 4 Framing the Picture: Social Structure and Power

Part 2 Social Forces in Focus

  • Chapter 5 Social Institutions Set the View
  • Chapter 6 Capitalism, Class Gaps, and Working for the Weekend
  • Chapter 7 Gender, Sexuality, and Unequal Lives
  • Chapter 8 Race, Racism, and Reckoning

Part 3 Conclusion

  • Chapter 9 Self, Society, and Action