General Chemistry for Engineers

Product Details
Author(s): Elizabeth Griffith
ISBN: 9781684781386
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2023
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
General Chemistry for Engineers


Welcome to general chemistry for engineers! Over the years that I have taught chemistry to engineering undergraduate students, the question that I most often hear is, “why do engineers have to take chemistry?”, followed closely by, “chemistry has nothing to do with what I want to do with my life.” My aim in writing this book is for you to see that nothing can be further from the truth. Chemistry is a foundation for all fields of engineering. It is much more than beakers and test tubes—it’s solar cells, batteries, combustion engines, and more!




Rather than present chemistry for the sake of chemistry and then add in some engineering applications as an afterthought, here, the engineering applications are the focus. The text is separated into engineering application “modules,” where the real-world application is presented first. In each module, it will quickly become apparent that in order to truly understand what is going on in the real-world application, some core chemistry knowledge is required. After you work through the necessary core chemistry topics (organized as “chapters”), you will return to the engineering application module to apply the new knowledge that you have acquired, and to deepen your understanding of the application. Organizing the text in this way ensures that you always stay grounded in the “why should I care” realm, and don’t get bogged down with “useless chemistry” (as my students would say).


If you think about it, this is exactly what engineers do in real life. Engineers do not regurgitate facts that they have learned in a classroom from a traditional discipline like chemistry. Rather, engineers acquire a broad knowledge base about the world around them and then take that knowledge and apply it to some new problem. After working your way through this text, it is my hope that you are equipped with the general chemical knowledge that you will need to apply to new problems in the future, and that you will never shy away from learning new chemistry as needed in your specific discipline.


Table of Contents

  • Module 1: Introduction
    • M1.1 Why are engineers required to take chemistry?
    • M1.2 How do I know if my answers make sense?
    • Chapter 1: Measurement
      • 1.1 Large Versus Small - Does this number make sense?
      • 1.2 Common units of measure
      • 1.3 Significant figures
      • 1.4 Dimensional analysis
      • M1.3 Using dimensional analysis to work through real-world problems
  • Module 2: Solar Cells
    • M2.1 Why go solar?
    • Chapter 2: Atoms
      • 2.1 An introduction to the atom
      • 2.2 Macroscopic versus microscopic behavior
      • 2.3 Light
      • 2.4 Electrons
      • 2.5 The structure of electrons in the atom
    • M2.2 How does light produce electrons to make electricity?
    • Chapter 3: The Periodic Table
      • 3.1 Orbital diagrams and electron configurations
      • 3.2 Core and valence electrons
      • 3.3 Electrons configurations and properties
      • 3.4 Periodic trends
    • M2.3 What makes a good solar cell material?
    • M2 Reflection and Discussion
  • Module 3: Biodegradable Polymers
    • Chapter 4: Molecules
      • 4.1 Chemical bonds
      • 4.2 Ionic compounds
      • 4.3 Covalent compounds
      • 4.4 Molar mass
      • 4.5 Organic molecules
      • 4.6 Functional groups
      • M3.1 The structure of polymers
    • Chapter 5: Bonding
      • 5.1 Polar covalent bonds
      • 5.2 The Lewis model
      • 5.3 More than one central atom
      • 5.4 Molecules in 3D
      • 5.5 Valence bond theory
      • M3.2 A deeper look at the structure of polymers
    • Chapter 6: Intermolecular Forces
      • 6.1 Molecular polarity
      • 6.2 Interactions between polar molecules
      • 6.3 Interactions involving nonpolar molecules
      • 6.4 Intermolecular forces and physical properties
      • 6.5 More complex interactions
    • M3.3 Biodegradable polymers
  • Module 3 Reflection and Discussion
  • Module 4: Combustion Engines (Part 1)
    • M4.1 How does a combustion engine work?
    • Chapter 7: Reactions
      • 7.1 Chemical equations
      • 7.2 Balancing chemical equations
      • 7.3 Combustion reactions
      • 7.4 Stoichiometry
      • 7.5 Limiting reagents
      • M4.2 What chemical reaction is occurring in the cylinder?
    • Chapter 8: Thermochemistry
      • 8.1 Energy on a molecular scale
      • 8.2 State functions
      • 8.3 The 1st law of thermodynamics
      • 8.4 How is energy transferred?
      • 8.5 Heat capacity
      • 8.6 Effects of experimental conditions
      • 8.7 Enthalpy of reaction
      • 8.8 Heat and phase changes
      • Key Takeaways
      • Homework
    • M4.3.1 What happens to the heat? (Part 1)
    • Chapter 9: Gases
      • 9.1 Properties of gases
      • 9.2 Pressure
      • 9.3 Ideal gases
      • 9.4 Mixtures of gases
      • 9.5 Real gases
      • M4.3.2 What happens to the heat? (Part 2)
      • M4.3.3 What happens to the heat? (Part 3)
  • Module 4 Reflection and Discussion
  • Module 5: Wastewater Treatment
    • M5.1 Where does it come from? Where does it go?
    • Chapter 10: Solutions
      • 10.1 Solutions
      • 10.2 Concentration
      • 10.3 Introduction to aqueous reactions
      • 10.4 Precipitation reactions
      • 10.5 Acid-base reactions
      • Key Takeaways
      • Homework
    • M5.2 Advanced wastewater treatment methods
  • Module 5 Reflection and Discussion
  • Module 6: Antigen Tests
    • M6.1 Lateral flow antigen tests
    • Chapter 11: Chemical Equilibrium
      • 11.1 Dynamic equilibrium
      • 11.2 The Equilibrium constant
      • 11.3 The reaction quotient
      • 11.4 Calculating equilibrium: Ice tables
      • 11.5 Le Châtelier's principle
        • Key TakeawaysHomework
    • M6.2 Antibody-Antigen binding
    • Chapter 12: Acids & Bases
      • 12.1 Brønsted-Lowry acids and bases
      • 12.2 The acid ionization constant (Ka)
      • 12.3 The autoionization of water
      • 12.4 Calculating the PH of acid solutions
      • 12.5 Polyprotic acids
      • 12.6 Bases
      • 12.7 Buffers
    • M6.3 Effects of environmental conditions on antigen tests
  • Module 6 Reflection and Discussion
  • Module 7: Combustion Engines (Part 2)
    • M7.1 Why the spark?
    • Chapter 13: Kinetics
      • 13.1 The rate of a chemical reaction
      • 13.2 The rate law
      • 13.3 Integrated rate law
      • 13.4 The rate constant
      • 13.5 Reaction mechanisms
      • 13.6 Catalysts
    • M7.2 The mechanism of combustion reactions
    • M7.3 Cleaner emissions
    • Chapter 14: Thermodynamics
      • 14.1 Entropy
      • 14.2 Spontaneity
      • 14.3 Gibbs free energy, enthalpy, and entropy
      • 14.4 Gibbs free energy and equilibrium
    • M7.4 The perfect combustion engine - dream or reality?
  • Module 7 Reflection and Discussion
  • Module 8: Batteries
    • M8.1 Using a chemical reaction to generate electricity
    • Chapter 15: Electrochemistry
      • 15.1 Introduction to redox reactions
      • 15.2 Electrochemical cells
      • 15.3 Spontaneous redox reactions
      • 15.4 Nonstandard conditions
    • M8.2 How does a battery work?
    • M8.3 rechargeable batteries
  • Module 8 Reflection and Discussion