Marketing Concepts

Product Details
Author(s): Alan Weber
ISBN: 9781684781478
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2023
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)


Overview of
Marketing Concepts


Welcome to Marketing Concepts. The purpose of this book is to help you understand marketing concepts in such a way that you can implement and manage them successfully in the real world.

However, the roles and functions that marketing plays impact every job in the ownership or executive suite. Whether you consider your skill set to be financial, logistical, IT, sales, or even HR, what you do with your skill set will both impact and be impacted by marketing.


People who are given roles that have marketing in the title often do not have a business background. It is not uncommon to find people with backgrounds in art, journalism, or communication with a marketing job title. This is where you come in. If you have a degree in accounting or finance, you may be the one who creates the marketing budget, thus making you effectively in charge of marketing. If you have a specialization in IT, you may be determining what capabilities marketing has to track or even communicate. The success of marketing is really determined by the entire management team, of which you will be a part.


No matter what your role will be, this book is designed to help you find success with your decisions and responsibilities when it comes to supporting enterprise goals that relate to marketing.

About the Author
Alan Weber

Author, Alan Weber has been a marketing consultant, having worked with hundreds of different organizations, since 1995. He began teaching in 1997, and began working to create the material for this book in 2016. This is his fourth book, but the first e-book of its kind to cover such a broad range of marketing concepts at the college level.

Table of Contents

  • Module 1: Marketing Overview and the Marketing Environment
    • Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing
    • Chapter 2: Ethics and Competition
  • Module 2: Ethics and Competition
    • Chapter 3: Ethics and Responsibility
    • Chapter 4: Strategy, Planning, and Competition
  • Module 3: Retailing, Wholesaling, and Pricing
    • Chapter 5: Retailing and Wholesaling
    • Chapter 6: Pricing
  • Module 4: Consumer Behavior, Segmentation, and Targeting
    • Chapter 7: Consumer Behavior
    • Chapter 8: Segmenting and Targeting
  • Module 5: Marketing Research and Marketing Databases
    • Chapter 9: Marketing Research
    • Chapter 10: Marketing Databases
  • Module 6: Marketing Law and Packaging and Labeling
    • Chapter 11: Marketing Law
    • Chapter 12: Packaging and Labeling
  • Module 7: Product Concepts and Product Classifications
    • Chapter 13: Product Concepts
    • Chapter 14: Product Classifications
  • Module 8: Brand Management and Product Management
    • Chapter 15: Brand Management
    • Chapter 16: Product Management
  • Module 09: New Product Development and Supply Chain/Logistics
    • Chapter 17: New Product Development
    • Chapter 18: Supply Chain/Logistics
  • Module 10: Services Marketing and Not-for-Profit Marketing
    • Chapter 19: Services Marketing
    • Chapter 20: Not-for-Profit Marketing
  • Module 11: Direct & E-Marketing and Business to Business
    • Chapter 21: Social and E-Marketing
    • Chapter 22: Business to Business
  • Module 12: International Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations (PR)
    • Chapter 23: International Marketing
    • Chapter 24: Advertising and Public Relations (PR)
  • Module 13: Personal Selling and Sales Management
    • Chapter 25: Personal Selling
    • Chapter 26: Sales Management
  • Module 14: Communication Process and Promotional Strategy
    • Chapter 27: Communication Process
    • Chapter 28: Promotional Strategy