Introduction to World Cinema

Product Details
Author(s): Bernardo Piciche
ISBN: 9781644966624
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Introduction to World Cinema


Table of Contents

CHAPTER1  Introduction

CHAPTER Art And Cinema

CHAPTER The Dawn of World Cinema: The Silent Era

CHAPTER A Trip To The Moon Le Voyage Dans La Lune—1902) By Georges Méliès—France

CHAPTER Cabiria (1914) by Giovanni Pastrone—Italy

CHAPTER The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) by Robert Wiene—Germany

CHAPTER Häxan: Witchcraft Through the Ages (1922) by Benjamin Christensen—Sweden and Denmark

CHAPTER The Battleship Potemkin (1925) by Sergey Eisenstein—Soviet Union (today is Russia, as it was before the revolution).

CHAPTER The Andalusian Dog (1929) Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí

CHAPTER 10 A New Technology: The Talkies.The Jazz Singer(1927).M(1931)

CHAPTER 11 Children of Paradise(1945) by Marcel Carné

CHAPTER 12 Neo-Realism.Open City(1945) by Roberto Rossellini

CHAPTER 13 Black Orpheus (1959) by Marcel Camus

CHAPTER 14 African Cinema: Ousmane Sambene and Souleymane Cissé