Pathways to Allied Health: A Learning Centered Approach to General, Organic and Biochemistry
Product Details
Author(s): Antwan Daniels
ISBN: 9781684781331
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2022
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)
Overview of
Pathways to Allied Health: A Learning Centered Approach to General, Organic and Biochemistry

Allied Health Majors across the United States of America are needed in the workforce. We must prepare them for challenges they will face in their profession. They must be crafted as thinkers, collaborators and doers in the lecture hall. There is an immense need for novel chemistry learners to be seen, motivated and empowered in the areas of general, organic and biochemistry (GOB) in a way that meets accredited learning outcomes and scholarship. This textbook does that: it contextualizes the lived experience of learners, it ignites thoughts and builds community in the learning setting.
Through awareness of health outcomes, innovation in science from a broad array of scientists and a constructivist model to explore chemistry from many perspectives, learners are encouraged to persevere. There are artifacts provided for chemistry faculty and provide social-emotional support for students when they are striving to succeed in GOB Chemistry. The textbook serves the 16-week and 8-week course design in the face-to-face, hybrid and 100% online setting. The use of 13 content-driven chapters and an advocacy chapter will be the driving force to your higher education institution having higher success rates in chemistry and persistence in allied health career tracks.
Scientifically Yours,
Professor Antwan Daniels
About the Author
Antwan Daniels
Professor Antwan Daniels is a profound Chemistry Professor who has taught community college chemistry for over 10 years, 90 courses and served 1800 learners ranging from Chemistry-1405 to Organic Chemistry-2425. Instructor Daniels has a B.S. in Chemistry, M.S. in Medicinal Chemistry, M.A. in Teaching Science and currently matriculating in a Higher Education Ph.D. program focused on improving success outcomes for students in introductory science courses. The impetus for writing the book is to elevate learners in a way that activates science awareness and positive change in our service communities. The goal is to aid you in your goals and ambitions; he feels that teaching and reaching you are the mission of this academic journey. He has served five different colleges over 10 years and on committees focused on sustainability, improving outcomes for minorities in science, and community advocacy ranging from environmental justice to reducing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in Memphis, TN teenage parents.
During his master-level studies, he became a practitioner of the constructivist theory of learning that has evolved to serve traditional and non-traditional college students with 70 percent and higher success rates. With a pedological target to challenge different areas of the brain, stimulate metacognition, and support content acquisition and retention throughout the learning experience. As you engage and take on chemistry learning challenges, let the holistic learning environment push you through. Instructor Daniels has authored five peer-reviewed research papers, presented annually at conferences and meetings, and has an intrinsic passion for the learning of chemistry. His quote that he hopes to lead you with is “I never want to be right, I want us to get it right”. So, let us start the semester right.
Academically Yours,
Antwan Daniels MS/M
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Atoms, Elements & Periodic Table
Chapter 2 Naming and Bonding of Ionic and Covalent Compounds
Chapter 3 Nuclear Chemistry and Conversions
Chapter 4 Nuclear Chemical Reactions and Energy
Chapter 5 Reaction Rates, Equilibrium, and Cellular Energy
Chapter 6 Kinetic Molecular Theory of Matter and Gases
Chapter 7 Solutions and pH Factors
Chapter 8 Organic Chemistry: Hydrocarbons and Aromatics
Chapter 9 Organic Reactions and Functional Groups
Chapter 10 Carbonyl Groups and Synthesis
Chapter 11 Biomolecules: Carbohydrates
Chapter 12 Biomolecules: Lipids
Chapter 13 Biomolecules: Amino Acids, Proteins, and Enzymes