The Other Side of the Desk: A Closer Look at Teaching

Product Details
Author(s): Kisha Daniels, Yolanda Dunston, Katrina Billingsley
ISBN: 9781684780891
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2022
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
The Other Side of the Desk: A Closer Look at Teaching


Table of Contents

  1. The Birth of Modern Education: Global Influences and Contributions
  2. Modern Education: Philosophical, Political, and Sociological Perspectives
  3. Innovations in Education
  4. Planning, Instruction, and Assessment
  5. Supporting a Class of Diverse Students 
  6. Incorporating 21st Century Century Skills and Strategies
  7. Choosing a Schooling Level
  8. Completing an Educator Preparation Program
  9. Your First Teaching Job
  10. Protecting Your Mental Health