Early United States History

Product Details
Author(s): Larry Smith
ISBN: 9781684780129
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2022
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Early United States History


Table of Contents

Chapters Menu

  • Chapter 1: US History Before Jamestown
  • Chapter 2: Tour of the Colonies
  • Chapter 3: Early Colonial Evolution: Slavery and Political, Economic and Intellectual Awakening
  • Chapter 4: Road to Revolution: Independence and War
  • Chapter 5: From Revolution to Constitution: The United States from 1781 to 1788
  • Chapter 6: The Early Republic: The Federalists
  • Chapter 7: The Early Republic: The Jeffersonians
  • Chapter 8: White Man's Democracy: Jacksonian America, Politics, and Reform Movements
  • Chapter 9: Manifest Destiny: Texas, Mexico, and Internal Expansion
  • Chapter 10: The Crisis: Late Sectional Crisis and Beginning of the Civil War
  • Chapter 11: Another Revolution?: Civil War and Reconstruction