Landscape of American Politics

Product Details
Author(s): Michael Ritter
ISBN: 9781684780105
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2022
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Landscape of American Politics


Often, American politics concepts and institutions such as federalism, comparing conservatism to libertarianism, and the bureaucracy seem vague and difficult to unpack. This course and the accompanying textbook are designed to unpack these and other phenomenon and introduce students to the structure of American government and the political ideals that inform this structure. The course introduces you to theories about and the practice of American politics at the local, state, and national levels. It will help you understand the institutions, processes, policy outcomes, and environment of our government. It will improve your ability to analyze contemporary issues and institutions.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Politics, Government, Political Science, and American Politics

Chapter 2: American Political Culture, Colonial and Founding Eras, and Constitutional Framework

Chapter 3: Federalism

Chapter 4: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

Chapter 5: Public Opinion and Media

Chapter 6: Campaigns, Political Participation, and Elections

Chapter 7: Political Parties and Interest Groups

Chapter 8: Congress

Chapter 9: Presidency

Chapter 10: Bureaucracy

Chapter 11: Federal Judiciary