Quantitative Literacy: Math and Money

Product Details
Author(s): MICHAEL D BROWN, Pavel Sikorskii
ISBN: 9781644969830
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2022
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Quantitative Literacy: Math and Money


Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 All the Money in the World
  • Chapter 2 Piggybank
  • Chapter 3 Game of Loans
  • Chapter 4 Stocks, Bitcoin, and Lambos
  • Chapter 5 Don't Pull All Your Eggs...
  • Chapter 6 MTV Cribs
  • Chapter 7 Death and Taxes
  • Chapter 8 Big Money
  • Chapter 9 Gov Injections
  • Chapter 10 Your Vote Counts
  • Chapter 11 Gerry and the Salamander
  • Chapter 12 Ballin’ on a Budget