Introduction to Biomechanics

Product Details
Author(s): Douglas Winston Powell
ISBN: 9781644962138
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2020
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Introduction to Biomechanics


The first edition of Introduction to Biomechanics presents foundational knowledge in the interdisciplinary field of biomechanics.  This textbook presents this foundational knowledge as it relates to various applications of biomechanics including the fields of sport science and rehabilitation science (physical therapy, occupational therapy and clinical biomechanics).  An interactive approach is taken to support student learning and knowledge retention by using examples that are native to students and allow students to experience textbook content.

Table of Contents

Unit 1

Chapter 1: Introduction


Unit 2

Chapter 2: Functional Anatomy of the Hip and Pelvis

Chapter 3: Functional Anatomy of the Knee

Chapter 4: Functional Anatomy of the Foot and Ankle

Chapter 5: Functional Anatomy Of The Shoulder

Chapter 6: Functional Anatomy of the Elbow

Chapter 7: Functional Anatomy of the Wrist and Hand

Chapter 8: Functional Anatomy of the Trunk and Spine


Unit 3

Chapter 9: Linear Kinematics

Chapter 10: Linear Kinetics

Chapter 11 : Angular Kinematics