Lifetime Wellness: Physical, Mental and Financial
Product Details
Author(s): Suzanne Konz
ISBN: 9781644968826
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2022
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)
Overview of
Lifetime Wellness: Physical, Mental and Financial

Lifetime wellness is a broad concept. It would help to shape your thinking about lifetime wellness to being healthy in all areas of your life, including at least the physical, mental, emotional, and financial areas.
Other areas such as environmental, social, spiritual, and vocational are included in lifetime wellness, but those areas are not covered beyond this module. Lifetime wellness is about how we live our lives and the satisfaction and happiness we experience due to our actions. All of these areas are interconnected, affecting the other areas. The emotion (e.g., anxiety, fear, or frustration) experienced over financial matters (e.g., covering all of our debt) affects the physical aspects (e.g., increased risk of medical illness, decreased fitness, or poor nutrition). In this simple example, we appreciate that the three lifetime wellness areas, financial, physical, and emotional, can work negatively against us if we let them. The financial area leads to increased emotional crisis followed by increased physical problems. Understanding how these areas interconnect allows us to create strategies to improve our lifetime wellness to decrease the risk of negative outcomes or eliminate negative occurrences.
Table of Contents
Module 1 Introduction to Lifetime Fitness
Module 2 Anaerobic Fitness
Module 3 Aerobic Fitness
Module 4 Recovery
Module 5 Lifetime of Fitness
Module 6 Medical Fitness Through Lifetime
Module 7 Financial Fitness Through the Lifetime