Location Intelligence for Retail and Public Services

Product Details
Author(s): Stephen Swales
ISBN: 9781644969083
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2022
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Location Intelligence for Retail and Public Services


This book was written to fill a gap. There are many general textbooks on economic and urban geography but nothing recent addressing the specifics of location analytics in retail and public services. It was written as a resource for students, but is also the product of the generosity of many thousands of students who have listened to my ramblings over the years. It assumes no basic spatial or geographic knowledge, but quickly picks up the pace to real-world location techniques. The tone is instructional and inclusive, including exploration boxes, question boxes, and ‘do this’ activity boxes. The content has sound theoretical foundations, but emphasises the practical application of location analytics. A diversity of examples is explored including retail and health applications. We explore traditional approaches and techniques, but also embrace contemporary perspectives such as geodemographics, GIS, online access to services, and post-pandemic prospects.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter One: Does Location Matter?
  • Chapter Two: Basic Spatial Concepts
  • Chapter Three: Basic Location Analysis
  • Chapter Four: Trade and Service Area Analysis
  • Chapter Five: From Customer Spotting To Artificial Intelligence—Capturing Information On Clients
  • Chapter Six: Site Selection and Evaluation
  • Chapter Seven: The Geography Of Demand — Basic Demographics
  • Chapter Eight: Geodemographics
  • Chapter Nine: The Geography of Supply
  • Chapter Ten: Retail Concentration, The Geography Of Consumption, And An Online Future
  • Chapter Eleven:Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Location Analytics
  • Chapter Twelve: Location and Planning
  • Appendices
  • Glossary