Beginning Technical Writing

Product Details
Author(s): Rhonda Stanton
ISBN: 9781644963814
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2020
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Beginning Technical Writing


I am excited to share with you information about technical writing in this textbook. I happened upon the discipline early in my career, and since I discovered it, I have had the opportunity to work as a technical writer in a software company before getting my PhD and returning to teaching. I have practiced, studied, and taught technical writing for more years than I care to count, but I still love it, and I still find it interesting and exciting!


You’ll see in Chapter 1 that even the academics and practitioners don’t agree on one definition of technical writing; there are many ways to define the discipline, but I think that’s one of the reasons it’s so interesting. One of the most important things about technical writing is determining who the audience will be for whatever type of document you are creating. You must always keep in mind the audience and write to them specifically. Because there are many ways to complete technical writing tasks, there are many places in the book where I encourage you to learn some basic things about how to create a particular type of document, and then go do some research to learn more.

I believe you will find this book, and the class that goes with it, valuable because no matter what kind of job you have or profession you go in to after college, you will do some technical writing.


About the Author
Rhonda Stanton

Rhonda Stanton is an associate professor and the director of graduate studies in English and the technical/professional writing program at Missouri State University. Her research interests include pedagogy in technical and professional writing, intercultural studies, students' transition from school to work, multigenerational groups in the workplace, recruitment, retention, and recognition in the workplace. She received her PhD in Technical Communication and Rhetoric from Texas Tech University.  

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Welcome to Technical Writing
  • Chapter 2 Identifying Purpose, Audience, and Design
  • Chapter 3 Grammar, Usage, and Punctuation
  • Chapter 4 Writing Instructions
  • Chapter 5 Document Design and Graphics
  • Chapter 6 Usability Testing and Reporting
  • Chapter 7 Writing Reports
  • Chapter 8 Proposals
  • Chapter 9 Getting the Job
  • Chapter 10 Understanding the Workplace Environment
  • Chapter 11 Formal and Informal Presentations
  • Chapter 12 Writing for Audiences from other Cultures
  • Chapter 13 Ethics in Technical Writing