Economics Concepts and Perspectives

Product Details
Author(s): Charles Wayne Myrick, Donald Gene Ross
ISBN: 9781644968925
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2022
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Economics Concepts and Perspectives


 By creating the book, I hope students will be exposed to information that relates more closely to their lives and community. Many of the examples of the book are based in Oklahoma as I and the other professor writing the book currently live in Oklahoma. Students will also find stories relating to South Mississippi as I grew up there near New Orleans in a community called Progress, Mississippi. However, this book can relate to anyone who lives outside of Oklahoma and South Mississippi. This book is highly interactive and should help students learn material in a fun and efficient way regardless of a student’s origin.

Table of Contents

Unit 1

Chapter 1 Introduction to Thinking and Speaking Like an Economist

Chapter 2 Opportunity Cost and its Affect on World Trade

Chapter 3 Market Analysis


Unit 2

Chapter 4 Market Failures

Chapter 5 Costs

Chapter 6 Market Structures


Unit 3

Chapter 7 Gross Domestic Product, Inflation, and The Standard of Living

Chapter 8 Economic Growth, Unemployment, and the Business Cycle

Chapter 9 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply