Diamond Guide to Health Care Ethics

Product Details
Author(s): Patricia Diamond
ISBN: 9781644966655
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Diamond Guide to Health Care Ethics


Diamond Guide to Health Care Ethics” was written in response to a need the author noted while teaching the topic for many years at the community college level. Her students are being educated as nurses, lab technicians, respiratory therapists… and come from a very wide range of backgrounds, (cultural, age, language abilities, educational backgrounds…). Many of them already work in the medical field as home health aides, dietary technicians, and senior caregivers. What these students do not need is an overly-complex, densely written text of philosophical concepts. What they do need is a practical guide to sorting through the ethical issues they will face in their work in the health care field, so that they can make good – and quick – ethical decisions. After laying the foundation of the workings of philosophy and ethics, this text moves straight into the fundamental principles used to guide the conduct of health care professionals. It then moves on to discuss the big ethical issues facing society, and finally many of the public health issues our communities are grappling with today. It includes deep coverage of the important topics of cultural competence, social injustice, and inequalities in health care, which have been underrepresented in traditional textbooks on health care ethics. The text is written in plain, open language which invites the student to consider the ethical issues and use logical argument to support their ethical claims. Links to current websites, articles, and videos keep the content fresh for students and can be updated as new issues arise. Each chapter is followed by a multiple-choice quiz designed to further stimulate the student’s thinking process. It is a text that could easily be adapted to a variety of teaching schedules and instructor styles, with good student results.

About the Author
Patricia Diamond

Patricia J. Diamond was raised in Minneapolis, MN and graduated with a BA in Philosophy from Carleton College. After graduate studies in Jerusalem, she returned to the Twin Cities area and earned her MBA at the University of St Thomas. She worked in management in the family attractions business for years, before turning her career to education. With additional graduate studies in Philosophy at Metro State University, Ms. Diamond began teaching in the MnState system of community colleges and universities. 15 years in, her main interest and teaching specialty are in all branches of Ethics. She lives in the area near her rapidly expanding family!

Table of Contents

Unit I – Fundamentals of Philosophy

Chapter 1: Philosophy

Chapter 2: Ethics

Chapter 3: Health Care Ethics


Unit II – Principles & Applications of Health Care Ethics

Chapter 4: Autonomy

Chapter 5: Beneficence and Non-Maleficence

Chapter 6: Veracity

Chapter 7: Confidentiality

Chapter 8: Justice

Chapter 9: Role Fidelity

Chapter 10: Cultural Competence


Unit III – Major Issues in Medical Ethics

Chapter 11: The Beginning of Life

Chapter 12: The End of Life

Chapter 13: Organ Donations/Transplants

Chapter 14: Medical Research

Chapter 15: Testing and Screening


Unit IV – Public Health Concerns

Chapter 16: Pandemic/Vaccination

Chapter 17: Immigration Policy

Chapter 18: Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

Chapter 19: Prevention

Chapter 20: Mental Health

Chapter 21: Senior Care

Chapter 22: Substance Abuse

Chapter 23: Nutrition and Wellness