Listen to the Music

Product Details
Author(s): Bradley W Hufft Estate, Matt Darling, Steven E Gilbert Estate, Craig Von Berg
ISBN: 9781644968413
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Listen to the Music


Table of Contents

Unit 1 Jazz To World War ll

Chapter 1 | History, Concepts, and the Blues

Chapter 2 | Piano Styles

Chapter 3 | Early Jazz: New Orleans to Swing

Chapter 4 | Early Big Bands: African American Bandleaders, Preswing and Swing

Chapter 5 | Jazz Singers: Voices That Shaped the Future

Chapter 6 | Popular Big Bands: White Dance Bands and the Swing Era

Chapter 7 | Stars of the Big Band Era: Soloists and the Road to Bebop

Unit 2 Jazz after World War ll

Chapter 8 | The Bebop Revolution: Reclaiming The Collective Spirit

Chapter 9 | Cool Jazz, West Coast, and Third Stream: The Bop Alternative

Chapter 10 | Hard Bop: Bop Grows Up and Moves Out

Chapter 11 | Free Jazz

Chapter 12 | Crossing Over. Funky, Funky Bop, and Latin

Chapter 13 | Fusion and It's Fallout

Unit 3 Rock and Roll to 1970, Part 1

Chapter 14 | The Origins of Country and American Folk

Chapter 15 | Doo-Wop

Chapter 16 | Rhythm & Blues Roots

Chapter 17 | Rockabilly: R&B + C&W = R&R

Chapter 18 | Teenagers, Covers, and the Radio

Chapter 19 | Atlantic Records: The Sound of Money

Chapter 20 | Expansion and Commercialization (1957-1964): Production Machine- Teen Idols and Girl Groups

Chapter 21 | Surf Rock: The California Culture

Chapter 22 | Rhythm & Blues Expansion

Unit 4 Rock and Roll to 1970, Part 2

Chapter 23 | Electric Blues

Chapter 24 | The British Invasion

Chapter 25 | British Hard Rock

Chapter 26 | The Folk Revival and Folk Rock

Chapter 27 | Psychedelic/Acid Rock and 1960s Rock Festival

Unit 5 Rock and Roll after 1970, Part 1

Chapter 28 | Singer-Songwriters

Chapter 29 | Art Rock

Chapter 30 | Jazz Rock

Chapter 31 | R&B in the 1970s

Chapter 32 | Mainstream Rock

Chapter 33 | R&B Crossover to the Mainstream

Unit 6 Rock and Roll after 1970, Part 2

Chapter 34 | Latin Rock/Pop

Chapter 35 | Southern Rock

Chapter 36 | The Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Continuum Pop

Chapter 37 | Rap and Hip-Hop

Chapter 38 | Punk

Chapter 39 | Music of the West Indies

Chapter 40 | Post-Punk to Alternative Rock