Economics for Managers in Modules

Product Details
Author(s): Kristen Zaborski
ISBN: 9781644968314
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Economics for Managers in Modules


Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Economics, the Dismal Science

2. Demand

3. Supply And Market Equilibrium

4. Changes In Market Equilibrium

5. Introduction to Elasticity

6. Price Elasticity of Demand

7. Price Elasticity of Supply and Other Elasticities

8. Consumer and Producer Surplus in the Market

9. Maximizing Utility

10. Price Discrimination

11. Defining and Maximizing Profit

12. The Production Function Explained

13. The Costs of the Firm

14. Long-Run Average Total Cost and Economies of Scale

15. Introduction to Market Structure

16. Perfect Competition Explained

17. Monopoly Explained

18. Oligopoly Explained

19. The Labor Market

20. The Theory of Marginal Productivity

21. The Welfare State

22. Unemployment Defined

23. Different Types of Unemployment

24. An Overview of Inflation

25. How to Calculate Inflation

26. Cost Benefit Analysis