Justice System Administration

Product Details
Author(s): Jennifer Robinson
ISBN: 9781644967539
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Justice System Administration


Welcome to Justice System Adminstration!

Jennifer Robinson has been teaching the administration of justice at both the undergraduate and graduate levels for over 10 years. Throughout this time, and during her education prior, she developed a passion for the issues surrounding the administration of the justice system. When writing this book, she wanted to create something that reflected her vision of the criminal justice system as an entity that faces a multitude of challenges but for which there is so much possibility. Jennifer also wanted to produce something useful for those who read it and wish to learn from it. She wanted this book to have a modern look and feel, hence the digital format.

The purpose of this book is to help you develop your full potential as a leader in the justice system. An array of themes are explored that center around a single issue—the operation of the criminal justice system. The topics explored in this book range from understanding what an organization is to leadership, motivation, communication, employee rights, ethics, organizational deviance, and more. These concepts are applied to the three sub-systems of the criminal justice system: the police, courts, and corrections.

The major question explored in this book is whether the criminal justice system is an actual system. Each topic explored in the book relates to this major question. No definitive answer to this question is provided in this book. Instead, you are asked to consider the information you are provided, then to apply the principles and, finally, come up with your own answer. Hopefully, by the time you have finished reading this book, you will consider yourself more prepared to face issues you will likely confront at one time or another in your criminal justice career, both as you begin, and as you move through the ranks from the front-line to, perhaps, supervisory and managerial positions.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction to the Justice Administration Process

Chapter 2: Perspectives on the Justice System

Chapter 3: Organizations

Chapter 4: Being Effective in the Criminal Justice System

Chapter 5: The Police

Chapter 6: The Courts

Chapter 7: Corrections

Chapter 8: The Rights of Employees in the Criminal Justice System

Chapter 9: Employee Socialization and Conflict and Power in the Workplace

Chapter 10: Employee Stress and Burnout, and Organizational Deviance

Chapter 11: Technology and Information Technology in the Criminal Justice System

Chapter 12: Organizational Collaboration, Change, and Understanding Success