Science, Technology & Society: A Global Health Perspetive

Product Details
Author(s): Mario Watkins
ISBN: 9781644968222
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Science, Technology & Society: A Global Health Perspetive


Table of Contents


Chapter 1 The Nature Of Science

Chapter 2 How Natural Science Has Shaped Society

Chapter 3 Global & Human Health: Convergence of Science, Politics, and Economics

Chapter 4 Environmental Science & Clean Energy

Chapter 5 Role of Technology in Advancing Society

Chapter 6 Space Exploration as a Technological Societal Solution

Chapter 7 The Need for Scientific Research in Society

Chapter 8 Morality, Ethics, And Threats To Science

Chapter 9 Medical Ethical Debates In Science And Technology

Chapter 10 Science Education and the Future of Science, Technology, and Society