America - An Optimistic Story Worth Celebrating

Product Details
Author(s): Courtney A Crowley
ISBN: 9781644967348
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
America - An Optimistic Story Worth Celebrating


Written with the 21st century student in mind, America: An Optimistic Story Worth Celebrating, tells the story of modern America in an accessible and engaging fashion. It tells the story of a country that is both wondrously successful and inescapably flawed, of an America boasting a richly diverse population possessing a shared history and national identity. It tells the story as it happened, laying out the facts of the past in a manner that compels the student to glean knowledge and form opinions independently, free from politics, agendas, and anachronistic interpretations. Moreover, students will be given the challenge of interacting with the people, policies, and pop culture of the past, while likewise engaging with their own thoughts and ideas. Indeed, readers of America: An Optimistic Story Worth Celebrating will experience the story of America in a new way.

About the Author
Courtney A Crowley

The author, Courtney A. Crowley, is an Instructor of History at West Texas A&M University in Canyon, TX. Crowley’s writings and ideas are drawn straight from her classroom, where she not only teaches modern history, but also ceaselessly learns from her students. In fact, though only one author is credited, this book is unquestionably the product of many laborers. From the incredible team at Great River Learning, who dared take a risk on an untried author, to the many teachers and friends who inspired and encouraged along the way, to the countless students who make teaching a thrill. Of course, the deepest and most heartfelt thanks goes to the steadfast Mom and Dad who made this dream into a reality, the family who loved patiently and teased mercilessly, and most especially to the Infinite Creator, who keeps watch over all knowledge.

Table of Contents


  • The American Story
  • Themes: Explanation and Instructions



Unit I: Industrial America: 1877-1914

  • Chapter 1 The Gilded Age: America in Transition
  • Chapter 2 American Empire: U.S. Becomes a Global Power
  • Chapter 3 The Progressive Era: Reform in America



Unit II: Emerging World Power: 1914-1945

  • Chapter 4 World War I: America Goes to War
  • Chapter 5 The Roaring Twenties: Life in Postwar America
  • Chapter 6 The Great Depression: A New Deal for America
  • Chapter 7 World War II: America's Greatest Generation



Unit III: Cold War America: 1945-1991

  • Chapter 8 The Cold War: U.S. Superpower Emerges
  • Chapter 9 The Sixties: Turbulence and Turmoil
  • Chapter 10 Vietnam: Crisis at Home and Abroad
  • Chapter 11 The Eighties: Beyond Big Hair