You Got This! Becoming a Confident Public Speaker

Product Details
Author(s): Ayanna Bridges
ISBN: 9781644967287
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
You Got This! Becoming a Confident Public Speaker


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction into Public Speaking

Chapter 2: Conquering Anxiety

Chapter 3: Maintaining Ethics

Chapter 4: The Listening Component of Speaking

Chapter 5: Analyzing the Audience

Chapter 6: Topic Selection, Purpose Building and Thesis Statements

Chapter 7: Locating and Citing Credible Sources

Chapter 8: Introductions/Conclusion

Chapter 9: Planning the Body of your Speech

Chapter 10: Delivery: Language, Voice, Body

Chapter 11: Presentational  Aids

Chapter 12: Types of Speeches