Basic Biomechanics for the Pre-Clinician and Practitioners

Product Details
Author(s): Brandi Decoux, Wendi Weimar, Christopher Wilburn
ISBN: 9781644966143
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Basic Biomechanics for the Pre-Clinician and Practitioners


Biomechanics is a field that utilizes physics and anatomical principles to identify movement processes with our day to day interactions. Even simple movements require a carefully coordinated application of physical laws and anatomical structures.  Comprehension of these principles and structures allow us to fully appreciate the intricacy of human movement. This book was written to help students see the applications of biomechanics. It is not only designed to present the critical foundational information, but then tie that information to practical applications within biomechanics.


A key component in Intellectual development and progression is reflected in how an instructor provides information to their students. An instructor must use personalized pedagogical methods to allow their student to connect and get excited about biomechanics. Therefore, this book is designed so that the instructor can structure the class their way. The text is adaptable and allows the instructor to present the chapters in the order that is most aligned with the flow of their course.


Overall, this will book serve as a consistent and fundamental reference for students. The content is written in a manner that makes scientific principles both enjoyable and intellectually palatable. Upon course completion, students will be able to integrate the biomechanical principles, anatomical structures and your critical thinking skills to their academic and career paths.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: A Brief History of Biomechanical Icons

Chapter 2: Anatomy Language

Chapter 3: Mechanical Terminology

Chapter 4: Newtonian Laws of Motion

Chapter 5: Paradigm to Study Linear Motion: Kinematics

Chapter 6: Projectile Motion

Chapter 7: Paradigm to Study Linear Motion: Kinetics

Chapter 8: Paradigms for Study Angular Motion: Kinematics

Chapter 9: Paradigms for Studying Angular Motion: Kinetics

Chapter 10: Skeletal Framework: Bones

Chapter 11: Skeletal Framework: Articulations

Chapter 12: Skeletal Muscle

Chapter 13: Movement Analysis

Chapter 14: Occupations in Biomechanics