Human Biology

Product Details
Author(s): J Virgil Stoia
ISBN: 9781644967553
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Human Biology


The human body is a complex organism and anatomy and physiology is a challenging and fascinating field of study. There are hundreds of cells making up many different tissues and organs that combine to form the various organ systems and eventually an efficient human organism. We will begin our study at the chemical level and through cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems as well as touching on microbiology. As we study the human body, we will be introduced to a whole new language. Many of the terms we will learn are based on Greek and Latin. We are hopeful and confident you will appreciate the knowledge and understanding you will gain in this endeavor of the study of the human body.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: The Chemistry of Life

Chapter 3: The Cell

Chapter 4: Disease

Chapter 5: Microbiology

Chapter 6: Fluids

Chapter 7: Integumentary System

Chapter 8: Skeletal System

Chapter 9: Muscles

Chapter 10: Blood and Circulatory System

Chapter 11: Cardiovascular System

Chapter 12: The Lymphatic and Immune Systems

Chapter 13: The Respiratory System

Chapter 14: Nervous System

Chapter 15: Urinary System

Chapter 16: The Male Reproductive System

Chapter 17: The Female Reproductive System

Chapter 18: Human Development and Genetics

Chapter 19: The Digestive System

Chapter 20: Metabolism and Nutrition