The Power of Money, Banking, & Financial Markets

Product Details
Author(s): Wei Simi
ISBN: 9781644966761
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
The Power of Money, Banking, & Financial Markets


Dear readers of The Power of Money, Banking and Financial Markets. Welcome!


I am delighted to be on this journey with you to explore the complexities of financial system, the evolutions of money, the operations of central banks, the volatile financial markets with profound innovated products, and the convolutions of commercial and investment banks, and other financial institutions.


We would see the insights on why financial crises happening; how central banks creating money and operating monetary policy; further, the indication of money multiplier; how the Federal Reserve Banks influencing the levels of federal funds rate, the essentials of interest rates and assets’ values; how banks adequately managing their equity and preventing insolvency; why bond markets increasing risks with rising interest rates, or widening credit spreads; why yield curves having all kinds of shapes, and affecting the health of commercial banks and overall economy in the case of yield curve inverting; and much more.


Fortified by those concepts would be beneficials on future investments either for ones’ own, or for others. A decade long in higher education giving lectures on money and banking, financial markets, investments strategies, and derivatives; plus, over decades in financial industry, I perceive that it’s essential and beneficial with those knowledges.


So, here it is, a labor of nine months, needing a longtime; a book too long in variety concepts, events, too short in depths. I am thrilled to have completed it after the daunting tasks of writing, editing, re-writing for readers and friends, wherever they are, who may find in it some moment’s illumination or brightening fantasy.


W. Simi. Ph.D.

July 9, 2021

Table of Contents

  • 1 Why Study Money, Banking and Financial Markets
  • 2 What is Money
  • 3 Understanding Interest Rates
  • 4 The Behavior of Interest Rates
  • 5 The Risk and Term Structure of Interest Rates
  • 6 An Overview of Financial System
  • 7 The Stock Markets and the Theory of Rational Expectations
  • 8 An Economic Analysis of Financial Structure
  • 9 Banking and the Management of Financial Institutions
  • 1 0Money Supply Process
  • 11 Tools of Monetary Policy
  • 12  Financial Derivatives
  • 13 Central Banks and the Federal Reserve System
  • 14 Financial Crisis