CalTPA Handbook: Unpacking Equitable Practices in the California Teaching Performance Assessment
Product Details
Author(s): Brian J Arnold, Center for Transformative Data Inc, Melissa Meetze Hall, Lori Piowlski
ISBN: 9781644966631
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2020
Available Formats
Format: eBook
Overview of
CalTPA Handbook: Unpacking Equitable Practices in the California Teaching Performance Assessment

This highly detailed resource is intended to be your constant companion as you work towards your California credential, begin formal classroom instruction, and beyond. This online resource is designed to help learners navigate the CalTPA process while simultaneously supporting new teachers as they master the complex and nuanced tradecraft of teaching. The Handbook is organized into twelve easily searchable and navigable chapters, to be enjoyed as presented or sampled for quick reference. At its core this book unpacks CalTPA concepts and represents them as productive practices for cultivating equitable and effective learning environments.
About the Author
Brian J Arnold
Brian Arnold is the Academic Program Director for National University’s MS in Instructional and Educational Technology. His research focuses primarily on the intersection of educational technology, interest, media, and play. After a short stint teaching middle school, Brian spent the last 20 years in higher education as teacher and administrator. Brian brings experience from a wide variety of media arts and learning experiences including five years as an editor at Nickelodeon animation studios.
About the Author
Melissa Meetze Hall
Melissa Meetze-Hall (pronounced Metz) is an educator, coach, and co-author of the new CalTPA Handbook: Unpacking Equitable Practices in the California Teaching Performance Assessment. With over two decades of experience supporting new teachers and administrators, and as a lead assessor for California’s performance assessments, Melissa has a unique perspective that shines in this newest publication to support candidates with successful completion of the CalTPA.
Dr. Meetze-Hall’s research and publishing focus on the importance of video and coaching for professional reflection and growth. She is the author of numerous educator research studies, many in collaboration with teacher preparation and induction partners. Melissa lives and works in southern California, where she teaches for the Educational Administration program at the University of Redlands and is an adjunct professor in the Teacher Education Department at National University. She spends her free time hiking and exploring the Pacific Coast.
About the Author
Lori Piowlski
Lori Piowlski, PhD is a Professor, Acting Associate Dean and Chair of the Teacher Education Department at National University. She is dedicated to advancing diversity, inclusivity, access, equity and social emotional learning in teacher education programs and clinical practice. Her PhD is from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, in Educational Administration in Higher Education. Prior to higher education, she served as an elementary and special education teacher in diverse PK-12 districts, which ignited her passion to immerse herself in culturally proficient teaching practices. Dr. Piowlski is also a co-author of the books, Culturally Proficient Schools, All Means ALL!
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: An Overview of the CalTPA
Chapter 2: Exploring Student Assets
Chapter 3: Supporting all Learners with Universal Design for Learning and Anti-Bias Teaching
Chapter 4: Skills and Strategies to Deepen Understanding and Engage Higher-Order Thinking Skills
Chapter 5: Unpacking the Content Standards
Chapter 6: Supporting Language Development
Chapter 7: Introduction to Accommodations and Adaptations
Chapter 8: Overview of Key Pedagogical Strategies for the CalTPA
Chapter 9: Assessments: Informal, Self-, and Formal
Chapter 10: Supporting Focus Students
Chapter 11: Educational Technology and the CalTPA
Chapter 12: Strategically Using the Assessment Guide Rubrics