Applied Management Science: Prescriptive Analytics in Practice

Product Details
Author(s): Kenneth Murphy
ISBN: 9781644966365
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Applied Management Science: Prescriptive Analytics in Practice


Management Science is a highly relevant topic for an educated person of the world today.  Since the 1940s, management scientists have worked to solve tough problems using mathematical methods and computer technology.  Today, with powerful computing at our fingertips, data that is readily available, and the methods introduced in this course, management science is solving problems throughout society.  While one does not become an expert with a single course, I hope to raise awareness of the role of management science in our lives today.  Moreover, the content of this text demonstrates how the methods of management science accomplish these outcomes.  Applied Management Science focuses on helping you, the learner, to assimilate the methods of this important set of tools. 

This text introduces you to the world of management science.  While one would never expect that every enrolled student will decide that this topic is worthy of their life’s work, I truly believe that the lessons provided in this class are valuable for every student.  Mathematical modeling teaches logical analysis, building artifacts develops technical skills, and describing results relates the work performed to the real-world problem at hand.  Applied Management Science was designed with these goals in mind.  Most importantly, the text was built specifically for you, the learner in this course.  I hope you find the content helpful and meaningful, and I look forward to your feedback my efforts as we learn together this term.

About the Author
Kenneth Murphy

In my first job during high school, I worked as a dishwasher-I loved the job and the restaurant, Dot’s Diner, where I worked.  Because the experience was such a positive one, there was a long period in which I wanted to own a restaurant.  My first experience teaching statistics at a university resulted in a similar outcome.  I loved teaching and, almost from the beginning, I wanted to write a textbook.  Even though that was more than a quarter of a century ago, this text, Applied Management Science, represents my first attempt at doing so.  While I am confident that the text is not close to perfect, it has been designed specifically for you to learn some of the basics in the field of management science, the very class in which you are enrolled.  

Mathematics has always been a passion of mine.  My father and I would bore my family endlessly around the dinner table with discussions of probability and statistics.  Math was my major in college where I learned to prove theorems and experienced my first statistics course.  At graduate school in Oregon, I discovered applied mathematics in a course on operations research, which become the focus of my studies at Carnegie Mellon University.  The learning journey has continued through my professional career working at universities in Florida, Oregon, and now  California.  Learning is indeed a journey, and not every moment is easy, nor is every lesson enjoyable, but the assimilation of new concepts and skills is highly satisfying.  I believe you will find the content of Applied Management Science to be a stimulating and satisfying journey in learning.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Management Science, Predictive Analytics, and Modeling
Chapter 2: Introduction to Optimization and Linear Programming
Chapter 3: Applications of Linear Programming
Chapter 4: Network Models
Chapter 5: Integer and Nonlinear Programming
Chapter 6: Simulation
Chapter 7: Analysis of Queues
Chapter 8: Decision Analysis
Chapter 9: Project Planning and Control