Creating the Write Way

Product Details
ISBN: 9781644965887
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Creating the Write Way


Hello writers,

It’s difficult to put into words the ethos behind creating this text. When I sat down to write, it was because I’d read through dozens of creative writing textbooks and couldn’t find one that suited all of my needs. They didn’t talk to the students like people, and they didn’t address certain topics I thought should be included. Plus, I wanted less lecture and more action because the best way to develop writing is through practice. So, I figured I would try my hand at it.


I had three goals in mind when I sat down in front of this blank Word document: I wanted an affordable text, I wanted the language to be student-centered, and I wanted the book to be interactive. After an exhausting couple of years, I have created just that.


This text is a conversation about creative writing skills, and as you learn new skills, you will be asked to apply those skills through numerous writing exercises. The exercises were created to build on one another and reinforce the content of the chapters in fun and engaging prompts. At the end, you will have a collection of pieces to reflect on. What you do with them after this course is up to you, but I hope you will be proud of what you have accomplished.


Best wishes on your writing journey,

Kelly Daubek 

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: What is Creative Writing?

Chapter 2: A Good Idea

Chapter 3: A Writer Must Use Their Voice

Chapter 4: Making a Reader Feel Like They’re There

Chapter 5: The Plot Thickens

Chapter 6: What’s in a Name?

Chapter 7: The Where and When of it All

Chapter 8: Genres

Chapter 9: Getting Started

Chapter 10: Writer’s Block

Chapter 11: Revising is Reseeing

Chapter 12: Fin