Business Law: Navigating the Turbulent Realm of Commerce, 2nd Edition

Product Details
Author(s): Thane J Messinger
ISBN: 9781644965818
Edition: 2
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Business Law: Navigating the Turbulent Realm of Commerce, 2nd Edition


Table of Contents

  • 1. The Rule of Law
  • 2. You Done Wrong: Crimes and Torts
  • 3. Civilization! Property & Contract Law
  • 4. The Machinery: Making Commerce Work
  • 5: Dances with Law: Procedure & AD
  • 6. How'd You Like to Work for Me? Agency & Employment Law
  • 7. What Does Business Look Like? Legal Forms
  • 8. "We're from the Gu'mmit and We're Here to Help." Regulatory Law
  • 9. Ethics and the Rule of Law
  • 10. The Role of the Manager