Sharing the Grape: A Trip Around the Wine World

Product Details
Author(s): Torrey Grant
ISBN: 9781644965634
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Sharing the Grape: A Trip Around the Wine World


Table of Contents


Chapter 1: A Brief History in Ancient Wine

Chapter 2: Making the Good Stuff

Chapter 3: Going Green!

Chapter 4: The Grapes

Chapter 5: How We Taste

Chapter 6: Food and Wine, Natural Partners on your Table

Chapter 7: France

Chapter 8: Italy

Chapter 9: Spain, Portugal and Fortified Wines

Chapter 10: Germany

Chapter 11: All the Bubbles!

Chapter 12: Austria and Greece

Chapter 13: USA!

Chapter 14: New Zealand

Chapter 15: Australia

Chapter 16: Argentina & Chile

Chapter 17: New Frontiers

Chapter 18: The Business of Wine