Culture and Health: An Introduction for Future Health Professionals
Product Details
Author(s): Zachary Cordell
ISBN: 9781644965443
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2022
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)
Overview of
Culture and Health: An Introduction for Future Health Professionals

“Culture and Health: An Introduction for Future Health Professionals” was created out of a need recognized by faculty teaching cultural aspects of health to healthcare students. This text is designed to teach students preparing for future careers such as: health coaches, community healthcare workers, physical therapists, physicians assistants, medical and services managers, health teachers, dentists, chiropractors, pharmacists, podiatrists, and naturopathic physicians.
Rather than providing a dry textbook that students must trudge through, this text was built to be engaging, interactive, and reflective. The aim was to provide a text that allowed students to identify their own culture, understand how they view health, and what their expectations for care include. Building upon this, the text allows students to understand that others may have belief systems regarding health may not match their own. As a result, it is their job to reflect on the role of a provider in the settings of care.
With examples, links, videos, and resources built into the text, students will be able to utilize professional teaching materials as well as powerful anecdotal experiences. They will deal with real world examples and will identify current trends, practices, and behaviors and their impact on patient care and health outcomes.
Students need a practical approach to culture rather than an inflated viewpoint of culture. Too often, students believe that culture is something that other people have, not themselves. To build cultural competency and cultural humility, a student must become culturally aware.
This text allows for the that self-exploration in a way that humbles the students yet empowers them as future providers. It engages students through the included activities, reflective journals, discussion boards, pre- and post-quizzes for each chapter. There is also a final chapter dedicated to application of each chapter’s principles.
About the Author
Zachary Cordell
Zach Cordell was raised in Greensboro, NC and graduated with a BS in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of North Carolina – Greensboro and a MS in Community Nutrition from the University of Massachusetts. He completed his dietetic internship at Yale New Haven Hospital in New Haven, CT prior to becoming a registered dietitian. He has worked in clinical settings, outpatient counseling, higher education, and as a public speaker.
He has worked with the AmeriCorps providing nutrition education to immigrants from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, and Cuba. While in his undergraduate studies he completed research on vitamin D consumption in Immigrants and refugees as well as co-authoring a study titled, “Analysis of Child Food Requests and Maternal Compliance in Low-income Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Families”.
As a graduate student he provided nutrition education and cooking demonstrations to Cambodian immigrants and researched awareness of Type 2 Diabetes risk factors among the college community.
Throughout his life, he has lived in 10 states and continues to find himself exploring new cultures and employing new ways to demonstrate cultural humility while providing culturally appropriate care.
He currently works at Arizona State University as a Lecturer in the College of Health Solutions.
Zach was interviewed on our podcast, Can I Get a Retake? - listen below!
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Culture
Chapter 2: Socio-Ecological Model (SEM)
Chapter 3: Cultural Health Expectations
Chapter 4: Health Branding
Chapter 5: Culture in Health Professions
Chapter 6: Body Shape and Size Culture
Chapter 7: Health Disparities and Social Justice
Chapter 8: Faith Beliefs in Health
Chapter 9: Environmental Influences on Culture
Chapter 10: Global Health
Chapter 11: Cultural Competency in Practice