
Product Details
Author(s): Kasie Whitener
ISBN: 9781644964330
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2020
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of


Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Entrepreneurism Defined
  • Chapter 2 The Business Lifecycle
  • Chapter 3 The Need for Funding
  • Chapter 4 To Think Own Self to Be True: Are You Built to Last?
  • Chapter 5 Know When to Grow
  • Chapter 6 You Should Start a Company
  • Chapter 7 Be What They Want You to Be
  • Chapter 8 The Next Big Thing
  • Chapter 9 The Unsexy Side of Entrepreneurship: Systems and Processes
  • Chapter 10 The Milestones of Entrepreneurism: Not Just Semantics
  • Chapter 11 Sustainable is the New Growth