Principles of Companion Animal Nutrition
Product Details
Author(s): John McNamara
ISBN: 9781644960202
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2019
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)
Overview of
Principles of Companion Animal Nutrition

Principles of Companion Animal Nutrition not only covers the basics of nutritional principles, but also offers interactive content through a variety of activities, multi-media, and more! Author, John P. McNamara, is a Professor Emeritus of Washington State University, and President of the Washington Science Teachers Association.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Introduction: Nutritional Terms and Definitions
Chapter 2: The Life Cycle and Nutrient Requirements
Chapter 3: Glucose and Fatty Acids: Providers of Body Structure and Function
Chapter 4: Amino Acids and Proteins: Providers of Body Structure and Function
Chapter 5: Vitamins: Cofactors for Nutrient Metabolism
Chapter 6: Minerals: Foundations of Life Functions
Chapter 7: The Basics of Nutrient Requirements: Water, Energy, and Protein
Chapter 8: Getty Ready to Make Foods: Ingredients, Preparation, and Processing
Chapter 9: Formulation, Analysis, and Labeling: Foods to Meet Requirements
Chapter 10: Nutrition of Canines through the Life Cycle
Chapter 11: Nutrition of Cats, the True Carnivores
Chapter 12: Nutrition of Nonruminant Herbivores: Horses
Chapter 13: Nutrition of the Rabbit, a Lagomorph
Chapter 14: Llamas and Alpacas: Ruminant Companions
Chapter 15: Nutrition of Ornamental Birds
Chapter 16: Nutrition of Aquarium Fish
Chapter 17: Nutrition of Rodents