Introduction to Criminal Justice: From Ideology to Policy

Product Details
Author(s): Annelise M Pietenpol, John Wright
ISBN: 9781644964040
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2020
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Introduction to Criminal Justice: From Ideology to Policy


Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Ideology and Criminal Justice
  • Chapter 2: The Criminal Justice System
  • Chapter 3: Causes and Correlates of Crime
  • Chapter 4: Law as the Foundation of Criminal Justice
  • Chapter 5: The Police: History and Current Issues
  • Chapter 6: Courts: Roles, Structures, and Processes
  • Chapter 7: Criminal Sanctions: Rhetoric and Reality
  • Chapter 8: Corrections: Institutional and Community Control
  • Chapter 9: The Juvenile Justice System
  • Chapter 10: Criminal Justice in the Age of Reform