A Student's Guide to Your Best Speech Ever

Product Details
Author(s): JR Steele
ISBN: 9781644964941
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2020
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
A Student's Guide to Your Best Speech Ever


Each day, people miss opportunities to positively advocate for themselves. As speech instructors, you watch student’s struggle. For over a decade, J.R. Steele has worked tirelessly to “rethink” the public speaking textbook to create an interactive experience that provides a support system for both students and instructors through her text, A Student’s Guide to Your Best Speech Ever. Simple tools like the Practice Right Plan, Speech Signs, and the Speech Formula (a speech writing web application) provide processes never seen in the classroom.

About the Author
JR Steele

J.R. is an educator, consultant, speaker, and author who strives to help people plug into the power of their voice through the lessons learned in speech. She has taught hundreds of speech courses between Barry University and Broward College. She invites you to explore these fun tools that will empower your students to discover their best speech ever.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Face Your Fear

Chapter 2: Practice Right

Chapter 3: Transform Your Delivery

Chapter 4: Make Visuals Count

Chapter 5: You Are Your Audience

Chapter 6: Your Audience Writes the Speech

Chapter 7: Speech Formula is the Secret to the Perfect Speech

Chapter 8: Putting It All Together