Accounting We Will Know... Easily
Product Details
Author(s): Rich Gordon
ISBN: 9781644964460
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2020
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)
Overview of
Accounting We Will Know... Easily

Each and every business in our great Capitalistic Economy uses the system of Accounting as an integral and necessary part of the operations of a business. Consequently, the subject of Accounting has become a required set of courses for any college business student, regardless of their business major or minor. The challenge for each individual student is to learn this complicated and yet widely used system.
Many students struggle with accounting because they have never taken an Accounting class, they think Accounting is all math, or they did not understand it the first time through. The purpose of this online booklet is to provide the basic concepts of Accounting before tackling more difficult classes. The concepts help an individual learn how to crawl and walk before enabling them to hit the ground running in college accounting courses. The Math used in the booklet is easy and the learner will know quickly when they are right or wrong as they progress. The goal is to lay a foundation of understanding of this important system.
About the Author
Rich Gordon
My name is Rich Gordon, I have been educating young people since 1972. I began teaching high school Accounting in 1975 and have had many, many students come back and thank me for helping them with their Accounting journey. In 2010, I started teaching Introduction to Business classes at Illinois State University and since then have worked with over 2,000 college business students. Through these experiences, I have become very familiar with the challenges faced by students with the onset of college Accounting classes and developed a short Accounting project to better support and meet their needs.
Table of Contents
Cycle One: 2011
Cycle Two: 2012
Cycle Three: 2013
Cycle Four: 2014