Preparing to Teach Primary Grades

Product Details
Author(s): Jane Ellen Baker, Amy Callender, Martha Howard, Krystal Kennedy, Rebekah C Marcum, Jennifer Meadows, Leann Taylor
ISBN: 9781644961841
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2020
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Preparing to Teach Primary Grades


Table of Contents

  • CHAPTER 1: Considering the Primary Grades
  • CHAPTER 2: Applying Theory to the Primary Grades
  • CHAPTER 3: Comparing Educational Philosophies and Approaches in the Primary Grades
  • CHAPTER 4: Designing Instruction in the Primary Grades
  • CHAPTER 5: Including Children with Special Needs in the Primary Grades
  • CHAPTER 6: Supporting Diverse Students in the Primary Grades
  • CHAPTER 7: Partnering with Families in the Primary Grades
  • CHAPTER 8: Guiding Behavior in the Primary Grades
  • CHAPTER 9: Grappling with Issues in the Primary Grades
  • CHAPTER 10: Demonstrating Professionalism in the Primary Grades