This book focuses specifically on argument, one of the most fundamental skills taught in composition, because so many disciplines throughout the university and beyond rely upon it to better understand our world and to persuade and compromise with others. This composition text fosters active learning through a multi-media platform. In each chapter you will learn skills particular to argument not only through reading about them, but through interacting with the text in order to practice these skills, retain information from the chapters and build papers step by step within the chapters.
Pamela Garvey, Professor of English at St. Louis Community College-Meramec, has taught composition at several colleges and universities including Virginia Commonwealth University, John Tyler Community College, Washington University, University of Missouri-Columbia and the Florissant Valley and Meramec campuses of St. Louis Community College, where she has taught argumentation for over nineteen years including many years of teaching honors and service learning sections of composition. In 2011 she won the Missouri Governor’s Award for Excellence in Community College Teaching. Students and staff have recognized her commitment to student success through the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, the Meramec campus Access Office, The League for Innovation Awards, and the Meramec campus office of Service Learning. For a list of other publications visit her website: