Network And Security Fundamentals

Product Details
Author(s): Al Leaston
ISBN: 9781644964927
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2021
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Network And Security Fundamentals


As the Internet has expanded over the last several years, so have computer networks. When the first home computer was introduced in the mid-1970s, it was rare to find one computer in a household. It was also not until decades later that Internet access became a household commodity. However, as the Internet expanded and technology grew exponentially, computers and computer networks have become an integral part of our day-to-day lives. Today almost everyone you know connects to a network in one way or another via their phone, laptop, car, or any one of the million internet-capable devices. 


This book attempts to explain computer networks and security fundamentals from a practical and real-life perspective. The topics and subjects in this book are what I consider to be the essentials of networking and security based on years of industry experience. This book takes a vertical approach and focuses on the rudimentary subjects and areas that all networking practitioners and students should know to build a solid foundation. 


Good luck; I hope you are as eager and passionate to learn about the world of networking and security as I am about teaching these concepts.  


Happy Networking, 

-Al Leaston  MIS,  

Cisco Certified Academy Instructor (CCAI) 

Table of Contents

1 Introduction to Networks

2 The OSI Model

3 Wired and Wireless Networks

4 IP Addresses

5 Network Commands

6 Network Services

7 Network Routing Concepts

8 Cloud Concept and Virtualization

9 Intro to Security

10 Triple AAA Access Control

11 Passwords

12 Firewalls

13 Malware