Built Environment: Technical Systems

Product Details
Author(s): Vishnu Reddi
ISBN: 9781644964569
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2020
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Built Environment: Technical Systems


Indoor environments are highly complex and building occupants may be exposed to a variety of contaminants (in the form of gases and particles) from various sources such as office machines, cleaning products, construction activities, carpets and furnishings, perfumes, cigarette smoke, water-damaged building materials, microbial growth (fungal, mold, and bacterial), pests, and outdoor pollutants. Other factors such as indoor temperatures, relative humidity, and ventilation levels can also affect how individuals respond to the indoor environment.


Understanding the sources of indoor environmental contaminants and controlling them can often help prevent or resolve building-related symptoms.


It will soon be your responsibility to ensure that the buildings you design/build improve human quality of life.


Reading this text is a good first step toward being a responsible creator of the built environment.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Human Comfort

Chapter 2 Indoor Air Quality

Chapter 3 Ventilation

Chapter 4 Air and Psychrometry

Chapter 5 Heating Loads

Chapter 6 Cooling Loads

Chapter 7 Vapor Compression

Chapter 8 Cooling Systems

Chapter 9 Air Distribution Systems

Chapter 10 Heating Systems

Chapter 11 Understanding Money

Chapter 12 Plumbing Basics

Chapter 13 Drain, Waste & Vent Basics

Chapter 14 Stormwater Systems

Chapter 15 Fire Suppression Systems