Inclusive Classroom Management

Product Details
Author(s): Kimberly White
ISBN: 9781644964279
Edition: 1
Copyright: 2020
Available Formats
Format: GRLContent (online access)



Overview of
Inclusive Classroom Management


Inclusive Classroom Management provides a comprehensive dive into understanding misbehavior and how to form a child-centered and positive classroom environment.  The question of “Why do children misbehave?” has many different answers.  Through this book, you will learn how to look deeper into an individual child’s background and behavior to find ways of making a connection to change negative patterns of interactions.


In Chapters 1-4, you will learn how teacher behavior, beliefs, biases, and expectations can have a significant impact on students’ behavior, in both positive and negative ways.  You will be asked to take a good look at your own beliefs, biases, and prejudices as you learn about how to become a socially just teacher.


Danielson’s Framework for Teaching is used in school districts across the nation as a structure for teacher classroom observations and evaluations.  The Framework has four domains:  Planning, Classroom Environment, Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities.  Chapters 5-10 focus on each subsection of the Classroom Environment domain of the Framework.  You will create a classroom management plan throughout those chapters which will become an important artifact in your professional portfolio.   Chapter 11 helps you construct your philosophy of classroom management, which will complete the classroom management plan.  When you interview for teaching positions after graduation, you will be very well prepared to describe all aspects of classroom management.


I hope you find this part of your journey thought-provoking, eye-opening, and meaningful.

Dr. Kimberly White

About the Author
Kimberly White

Kimberly White holds a doctorate in Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education from the University of Georgia.  Dr. White has taught preschool, elementary school, and in higher education since 1984.  She is currently an Associate Professor in Elementary Education at the University of Kentucky.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 | Laying the Groundwork

Chapter 2 | Understanding Behavior: Where Does Misbehavior Come From?

Chapter 3 | Understanding Yourself: Bias, Prejudice and Stereotypes

Chapter 4 | Social Justice and Understanding Misbehavior

Chapter 5 | Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

Chapter 6 | Establishing a Culture for Learning

Chapter 7 | Managing Classroom Procedures

Chapter 8 | Organizing Physical Space

Chapter 9 | Classroom Management Theoretical Framework

Chapter 10 | Managing Student Behavior

Chapter 11 | Developing Your Own Philosophy